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Te Niwha has five Research Priority Areas, drawn from our Charter. These areas are part of ensuring our commitment to ensuring Aotearoa New Zealand's preparedness for ongoing and emerging infectious disease threats.
Rapid point-of-use (POU) diagnostics are going to change the paradigm of laboratory testing for infectious diseases.
This project aligns with Te Niwha’s mission by supporting world class research to develop diagnostic platforms that can be used to enhance the diagnosis of otherwise hard to diagnose infectious diseases.
This strategic project is an evaluation in collaboration with iwi, hapuu, Maaori providers, Pacific providers and whaanau to understand the effectiveness of currently delivered childhood immunisation services and initiatives for Maaori and Pasifika children (birth to five-years-old) and determine ways to increase immunisation rates.
Collecting environmental samples such as bird faeces will help understand how and where avian influenza and other potentially devastating viruses could impact Aotearoa New Zealand as the highly infectious H5N1 spreads globally.